About us

Jente med tenkeboble med mange språk. Illustrasjon.

Asylbarn.no / Asylinfo.no is a collaboration between the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI), the National Police Immigration Service (NPIS/PU), and the Immigration Appeals Board (UNE).

The site will give you, as an asylum seeker, information about the asylum process.

If you have questions or suggestions, contact the editor at asylinfo@udi.no

The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI)

The UDI will talk to you to find out more about why you have applied for protection in Norway. The UDI are the ones who decide if you can stay in Norway or if you have to go back home

The National Police Immigration Service (NPIS) 

The police will talk to you to help you to apply for protection and to find out more about whether you have been to other countries besides Norway. 

The Immigration Appeals Board (UNE)

If the UDI decides that you cannot stay in Norway, you can appeal to UNE. Your lawyer will help you. UNE will look at your case again and decide if you will have to go back home again or if you are allowed to stay in Norway.